Choose Your Membership Plan!
$55 Donation
Individual 1 Year Membership
Membership will need to be manually renewed on yearly basis!
Most Popular!
$55 Donation
Individual Membership Subscription
Renews automatically every year!
$165 Donation
Group Membership for Schools and Organizations

Now is a Great Time to Join or Renew Your Annual Membership in the World Association of Puppetry and Storytelling Arts!
We can only do this together! Thank you for being part of this growing community. We are hoping to accomplish additional steps this year and we depend on new and renewed annual membership fees for part of our support. Membership in the association is for everyone who can align with our mission and vision. As always, if you cannot afford the suggested fee, you can apply for a scholarship. If you can afford more, you can pay more and become a sponsoring member! We also invite group memberships and business memberships.
Member benefits: Membership in the World Association of Puppetry and Storytelling Arts will give you access to: video archives, ongoing research, annual journals, networking possibilities with other puppeteers and storytellers from around the world, discounts for annual conferences and festivals, a calendar of events, etc.
Bi-monthly newsletters for members and friends
Twice yearly journals for members (June and December)
Members’ Directory to be published by December/January each year
Website launch with members’ portal, marketplace opportunities, etc.
Calendar of events where members can post relevant announcements
Advertising opportunities for business members on website and in publications
International collaborative mentoring circle activities for members
Summer conference with discounted fee for members
Fundraising for ongoing expenses and special projects
Research Grant Project
Please determine your membership level and make your membership donation using the buttons above!
“Pay from the Heart” Scholarships and Advertising are also available!
WAPASA Sponsor - includes logo on website and in newsletters - $250
Group memberships- $165/year (Please send us an email at worldpuppetry@gmail.com with each individual name and email for your group so we can set them up in the Member’s Portal.)
If you need a scholarship to pay less than $55, please use the donation button at the bottom of this page!
Use the donation button below if you are wanting to:
Donate more and become a sponsoring member - $55+
Pay what you can afford - under $55
Make your membership contribution below:
After completing payment, you should be redirected back to our website to complete your membership form. Should you close out beforehand, you can complete the form here.
We will reach out to you soon to help get you set up in our Member’s Portal!